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Our wildflowers can be found in landscapes all across Australia. For thousands of years, they've served to support the natural ecosystem of our lands, and have been used by local Indigenous groups as food, medicine and more. 


Acacia longifolia ssp. longifolia pl Ron

Traditionally, the Kaila plant's seeds were extracted and used for baking. The Kaila plant is found along the coastal areas in Raukkan.


Common name: Acacia 

Botanical name: Leucophylla


Olearia axillaris f Denzel Murfet Marion

The Winggi Kuranthantha is one of the few native plants to the Coorong region that were used in smoking ceremonies. The ceremony involves the burning of native plants to produce smoke to cleanse the mind and body, acknowledge ancestors and pay respect to mother earth.  


Common name: Coastal Daisy 

Botanical name: Olearia Axillairis

Winggi Kuranthantha


The Ngarrindjerri people use the Kildjeri as a source of textiles. The leaves from the plant are ultitised for weaving, etchings, nets, baskets, and other materials.


Common name: Yakka Bush

Botanical name: Xanthorrhoea Caespitosa



The stems or tips of the plant are full of water. They were traditionally used to while travelling long distances, chewing on the stems and tips for hydration.


Common name: Sheoak

Botanical name: Allocasuarina Verticillata



The Muwanthi was used as an identification marker for many locations in the Coorong region, for example the Mowantjie Willauwar Conservation Park. It’s thought that because the timber does not rot it was also used for building and hard tools/weapons.


Common name: Native pine tree

Botanical name: Callitris Grasscillis


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The Yipti is commonly found in surrounding lakes and was used as a food source for the Ngarrindjeri people. While the whole Yipti was not edible, a stringy like substance similar to cabbage was removed from the centre of the stem and eaten.


Common name: Reeds

Botanical name: Phragmites Australis



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When in full flower the Lakari is picked and boiled down. The remaining liquid from this process is used as medicine for sore throats and common colds.


Common name: Banksia

Botanical name: Banksia



While the Cushion Bush is native to the Coorong region it was never given a specific Ngarrindjeri name until recently. Because of its marshmallow like resemblance it was given the name Lowi which means native marshmallow and Kulpuri means plant.


Common name: Cushion Bush

Botanical name: Leucophytaa Brownii

Lowi Kulpuri

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The Ngapuri was strategically burned at particular times throughout the year to encourage fresh growth. The Ngarrindjeri people used this as a way of bringing new life to the area in the form of fresh shoots and saplings, which in turn attracted wildlife to the Coorong region for hunting.


Common name: Grass

Botanical name: Ptilotus Spathulatus



Used similarly to the Lakari, the Ngalayi was boiled down when in full flower and used as a medicine for sore throats and common colds.


Common name: Yakka Flower

Botanical name: Xanthorrhoea Caespitosa




Ngopamuldi Aboriginal Corporation

124 Adelaide Road, MURRAY BRIDGE SA


PHONE: 0451 035 938

© Yunta Wulan

The images used on this website are kindly provided to us by a number of individuals and organisations. Please refer to our Acknowledgments page for full info.

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